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Day of Voxer 1:1 Coaching

Here it is...engagement season and you feel stuck.  

You know you need help. There's too many options. But you also know... need flexibility and freedom 

...your schedule is packed need help on specific things NOW

Want 1:1 support and guidance that is impactful and affordable?

Say less.


Join me on Voxer for 1:1 access to me throughout the day to get the support you want and need. 

I know you're like, "Wait, girl-- what's Voxer?"

It's a free walkie-talkie voice/text messaging app.  And I'm going to use it to get you fired up, hustling, and moving in a big way.

You already know it's time to make things happen. You've been dreaming about that new idea; there's that big goal that you want to reach or there's that one client that you need help with. And while you might not know what the answer is to some of your pressing questions, you certainly know what it isn't:

...It's not another webinar where everything is so general and you gotta dodge pitches and pitfalls to get what you need

...It's not a long-term mastermind or group coaching program.  You're not ready for that type of commitment and need individualized attention now.

...It's not another course you'll buy and fizzle out at the end because you're not motivated...or accountable. 

What you do know is you need help NOW. Engagement season is right around the corner and you've gotta get out of your own way.  You're ready to take some serious action and do the work.  But you can't seem to find what you need to get started. 

What you really want is to...

...have access to a business coach who keeps it real, with your best interests at heart, and wants to see you succeed. to someone who knows the need to do it, but keeps you, the business owner, and your peace and profit at the center.

...take a deep dive into your current situation and get actionable steps to make progress. 

...get feedback/pushback on that one idea that has got you in a chokehold.

...follow up on your work from previously purchased tools, courses, and sessions with me. unnatural amount of responses in relatable gifs.

That's exactly what you get when you book A Day of Voxer with Me. 

How It Works

Voxer is a free walkie-talking text/voice message app. During your scheduled day, we'll be in touch throughout the day to get a handle on whatever has got you stuck, stressed, or fired up. 

1. Pick Your Day

No need to leave the house or get BFWU (Beyoncé from the Waist Up) for Zoom. You can work your business and run your life without feeling pressured or burdened*.  I'm here.

*that being said, you do have to have time and bandwidth to consider, process, respond and implement throughout our conversations. 

2. Setup Your Voxer Account

We will swap information so that we can stay in touch.  

3. The Day of Your Scheduled Voxer Coaching

You'll have access to me from 8 AM to 6 PM in your time zone, depending on the program you choose.  Before you get stressed, this it's not a 10-13 hour chat. (Baby, both of us would be sick of each other).  

With this relaxed "coachunication" at a steady pace, it's completely expected to have moments of rapid-fire back and forth dialogue and periods of delayed responses, which is why it's great that we have the day. 

What We Can Accomplish

  • Basic pricing mindset blocks, approaches, and changes
  • Tweaks to copy and images on your website for better impact
  • Marketing ideas to get in front of the people who want to work with you (both vendors and clients)
  • Sales consult tips and practice to get you more confident to make the sale
  • Feedback and support on tough issues with clients or other creative partners that are walking around your mind with dirty feet
  • Feedback on new services and experiences you're considering adding to your brand
  • Getting clear on whom you want to work with and more importantly...who you don't 
  • Basic system and workflow suggestions to help you run more efficiently

And to be honest, it's totally okay if you're not sure what you want to talk about.  Sometimes, you just need to flesh out some ideas with someone who gets it to get you started.  Well-- that's where your biz bestie comes in. I'm bringing the heat for your Day of Voxer.  I'll ask the tough questions, encourage you to dig deep, and keep you on track.

When You Book, you get support from an experienced industry pro who keeps it real and is passionate about your money and your peace. 

After our Day of Voxer, You'll Come Away With:

  • Rockstar confidence for that idea you've been considering or pricing you want to change
  • Serious momentum on whatever you're working on
  • Myth busters on what's holding you back
  • Peace of mind knowing you're validated and supported
  • Insight and expertise from someone you trust whose been there, done that, and gets it

Imagine having your favorite industry educator and coach in your pocket.

That's exactly what you get with Terrica's Day of Voxer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time is included?

We will work together from 8 AM - 6 PM in your time zone for the day you select. 

How available do I need to be?

It's not necessary to set aside time like a meeting-- it's a leisurely coaching session where you will get your questions answered and provide feedback around our schedules.  Expect at least hourly contact throughout the day depending on the depth of your questions or issues. 

What if we're in different time zones?

No worries, I will work according to your time zone. Please be sure to let me know what that is so that I can adjust my calendar accordingly. 

I have a team-- will you work with all of us?

Yes, that's just fine. Please ensure that the entire team has signed up for Voxer and let me know who the participants will be so that I can create a group chat. The time zone dictating the call will be of the booking party. 

What days can I do this?

You will find the available dates in my calendar. 

None of the available dates work for me.

Email me-- let's see what we can work out. 

Is this a non-stop conversation?

Absolutely not.  You get to send voice messages and texts when you're available. There may be periods when both of us may have work to do in order to provide a sufficient response which can delay message times (and hello, life!).  This gives you the freedom to work or go about your day without being glued to your phone or computer. 

Is Voxer free?

Sure is-- FREE.99.  You can sign in and learn more here

Can I book more than one day?

Absolutely!  Some students book one a week for a month for support during launches, new pricing releases, etc.  Some book consecutive days to get them through a certain project or situation.  If you do need specific help, please let me know. We may want to convert your Voxer Day to 1:1 Intensive VIP Day. 

What if I need to reschedule?

Totally fine-- just please give me 24 hours' notice.  

Can I send you things to review?

Sure thing-- I'll tell you where and what to send.  

What is not a good topic for us to work on?

This might not be a good fit if you are looking for:

  • something you want to be done in one day 
  • something where  you need a lot of detailed feedback or strategy 
  • tech support / demo

What is a good topic for us to work on?

  • Basic pricing mindset blocks, approaches, and changes
  • Tweaks to copy and images on your website for better impact
  • Marketing ideas to get in front of the people who want to work with you (both vendors and clients)
  • Sales consult tips and practice to get you more confident to make the sale
  • Feedback and support on tough issues with clients or other creative partners that are walking around your mind with dirty feet
  • Feedback on new services and experiences you're considering adding to your brand
  • Getting clear on whom you want to work with and more importantly...who you don't 
  • Basic system and workflow suggestions to help you run more efficiently

As well as...

  • Content ideas 
  • Big picture planning for your upcoming season
  • Momentum for new projects
  • Ideas for additional revenue
  • Making your business more like you
  • Mindset and confidence reset

Because of the intimate nature and energy investment of this program, there are limited dates available.  Don't miss out on your chance to jumpstart your year with the guidance support you need.

Ready to secure your spot? Let's go! 

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Payment Options

 Half Day 1:1 Voxer Coaching
 $249.00 USD
 Full Day 1:1 Coaching on Voxer
 $497.00 USD

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